Our Night Dispatch Services

Types of Clients

Freight Carriers- Night Dispatch allows you to provide 24-hr dispatch so your day staff can enjoy their time off at night. We communicate with freight brokers and your customers to provide shipment status updates, notify of delays, contact roadside assistance, provide EFS/Comcheck and more. Each carrier has their own needs. Contact Christina Walters to discuss your after-hour service needs.

Brokers- Night Dispatch verifies your contracted carriers arrive to their pick-up and delivery on time, provides check calls, communicate to your team and/or customer of delays, overages, shortages or damages, verify that GPS is tracking properly and call driver if it is not or they are not tracking for on-time delivery. Contact Christina Walters for more information on services provided.

How do we help your business?

We help our clients by providing a dedicated team of 3-10 dispatchers (depending on customer’s needs). The dispatchers learn the customer’s S.O.P. (or help create one if needed by consulting with the client over a period of 3-4 months). This ensures that the best service is provided not only to our clients but to theirs as well, at a fraction of the cost you would pay to host service in-house.

Our business grows when your business grows. We want to ensure your success so you will continue to keep the contracts you have. We do this by tracking loads, problem solving and effective communication.

What is the future of this industry/how does Night Dispatch help the industry develop and evolve?

As the tech world found its way to the Transportation Industry with state of the art TMS (Transportation Management Software) to GPS tracking like MacroPoint and Badger. Start-up to med. size businesses have found a more level playing field against the big freight companies. These advances in technology have allowed for quicker tracking and notifications if there is a problem, but you still need a person to process the information and watch the technology as well as understand it so they know when there is a problem and can start making phone calls and notifying the proper parties. Think of Night Dispatch as your main program and the GPS Tracking and TMS software as an add-on that integrates.

Night Dispatch helps the industry develop and evolve by setting the bar on after hour customer service and allowing the smaller companies to not only compete with the bigger ones but far exceed then in quality of service.